New Local Scottish Champion
Congratulations to Jim Mercer from Fountainhall on winning the Scottish Championship for his potatoes at the National Vegetable Society show at Kelso on Sunday. Can anyone beat his spuds at the Stow or Galashiels show??

Come and Sing! Gala Water Singers restart 28 Aug
The Gala Water valley based community choir, Gala Water Singers restarts on Tuesday 28th August 2012, 7.30-9 pm at Fountainhall Primary School. New members welcome. No auditions and no need to read music. Not sure if it’s for you? Try it out – first 2 weeks free, then 3 payments over the year. Further info […]

Galawater Horticultural Society Update : Annual Bus Trip
Twenty two joined the annual bus trip venturing down to Whalton Manor, nr. Morpeth. This is a private garden, which Mr. & Mrs. Norton only open to groups like our own. We were fortunate that the rain cleared for about an hour to let us enjoy the gardens as they are meant to be enjoyed […]

Galawater Horticultural Society Update : The June Car Trip
The June Car Trip took a small number to Carolside, Earlston taking advantage of the regular opening times throughout June and July. Once again the gardens did not disappoint us even although the roses were not in full bloom having been affected by the elements. We took advantage of one of the few sunny days […]

Annual Flower Show
2012 Annual flower show on 1st September. Despite the poor summer lets hope we can put on a good display this year! If you’ve never entered help will be on hand ...read more
Stowed out – a huge thankyou
Big thanks to all the volunteers who helped make Saturday such a success. We estimate we had 500 people over the course of the day and it was fantastic to see everyone from pensioners to young kids all coming along. Also great to see lots of people from outside the village who have seen Stow […]

Stowed Out. Free Festival. 11th August.
Its nearly time… The sun is shining and the stage is set for Stow’s first outdoor festival. Come along and enjoy the wealth of talent on show! ...read more
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