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Awarded grants, Autumn 2012

In the latest grant applications to the Stow & Fountainhall Windfarm Community Benefit Fund, the following have been awarded grants: Stow Sports Council – To provide new upgraded sand filled astro turf surface, blockwork end bounce walls and timber slatted side bounce walls on existing floodlit multi court.(£15,000) Stow Kids Club – To cover costs […]

Church Stewardship

The Parish Church had a very busy month in September as this was the month set aside for celebration of stewardship. The church in Stow hosted a community concert which showcased the stunning musical talent in the village. There was an exhibition of the history and heritage of the two churches and a beautifully illustrated […]

Notes on the wind

In the latest grant applications to the Stow & Fountainhall Windfarm Community Benefit Fund, the following have been awarded grants: Stow Sports Council – To provide new upgraded sand filled astro turf surface, blockwork end bounce walls and timber slatted side bounce walls on existing floodlit multi court.(£15,000) Stow Kids Club – To cover costs […]

Gala Water Singers’ new season set off in spate!

At our first year’s AGM in August Chairman John Wilkinson reflected on: three successful concerts; two locally and the third at the Borders General Hospital raising £176 for the Margaret Kerr Hospice Appeal; more singers joining the choir than originally forecast; growing awareness of the choir with increasing invitations to contribute to other events; the […]

Sound Out announce the date for the 2013 Stowed Out Festival.

Following the huge success of the first Stowed Out Festival Sound Out are pleased to announce that the date of the 2013 Stowed Out Festival will be 17/8/13. Watch this space for more details and information about other exciting events centred around this weekend.

Stow Parish Archive Appointment

Stow Parish Archive are delighted to announce the appointment of Lucy Stock to our post of Cataloguer. Lucy who is originally from Stow has a postgraduate diploma in Museum and Gallery Studies and has been a key person in setting up and developing a reminiscence programme at the National Galleries, and in organising and running […]

Stow Parish Trust

Many people in the community are aware of the existence of the Stow Parish Trust. It was set up in 1997 to secure parcels of land within Stow for the benefit of the community. Over the years, the Trust has received an income from the sale of small sections of land. The Trust’s annual outgoings […]

Renovation of Multi Court

Renovation of Multi Court

Stow Multi Court will be closed from Monday 5th November 2012 for about 4 weeks. This is to allow extension renovation works to be carried out. more

Seed order

Mr FOTHERGILLS SEEDS MINIMUM 30% DISCOUNT (10% discount on non-seed items) Seed catalogues now available from Moira Fleet, 17 Craigend Road. Orders to be returned by 7th December. Catalogues also at but to receive discount, order must be sent through Moira. (Members only, Membership £2)

Stars in their eyes

Stars in their eyes

Sound Out will be working with karaoke legend Allan Marr to hold a family Karaoke night to raise funds for Children in Need on the 24th Nov. Show your support come along, dress up in your Rock Star fancy dress, sing some songs and have a great time. more


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