Borders road speed consultation ending
This weekend sees the end of the SBC consultation on road speed, which has included trial speed limits of 20mph through our villages and along the back road. If you would like to have your say on the 20 mph speed limit in villages and towns in the region, please go to the website portal […]

Community newsletter out now
The latest edition of the community newsletter has now been distributed and is also available here digitally.

Walk it!
New community walks starting in Stow this week. A few folk in the village have recently taken part in training that gives them the skills to lead guided walks. They are keen to put their new skills into action and will be offering two walks in Stow village: Starting every Thursday from the 27th May at 10.30am until […]

Gala Water Garden Market Trail
GARDEN MARKET TRAIL SUNDAY 30 MAY 2021 Why not start Bike Week 2021 with a Cycle Along to the Gala Water Garden Trail Day? The trail will take you to some fun and interesting stalls in gardens in Stow, Fountainhall and Heriot on Sunday 30th May between 10am and 3pm. The stalls will have lots […]

St Mary of Wedale temporary closure
Sadly, the parish church in Stow is temporarily closed now, while an outbreak of dry rot can be dealt with safely. This temporary closure will take place immediately. This is all very disappointing but our worship does not cease – and there are other options for those wishing to join in worship. Alternatives include: • […]
The Great Borders River Clean
It’s the Great Borders River Clean this weekend (15-16 May 21). Communities throughout the region will be helping to keep the Borders clean and beautiful. Groups in both Fountainhall and Stow will be taking part. Green Stow will be meeting at the Stow Quoiting Green at 10.30am on Saturday 15th May. Spare Green Stow litter […]

Scottish Borders Council is looking to consult residents on the recent speed restrictions put in place in towns and villages across the region. This included the 20 mph speed restriction through the centre of Stow, speed monitors and 40 mph limits on the back roads. Please share your thoughts on the trial 20mph speed limit […]

The Little Book Shed has opened!
Another community asset created by volunteers has opened in Stow. The Little Book Shed is a place where anyone can come along and borrow a book to read in the Community Garden, where the Little Book Shed can be found, or in the park or at home and then either return it or replace it […]

Join the ebike revolution! Stow Cycle Hub is here!
Stow Cycle Hub is up and running! Soon we’ll be based in the Station House on Station Road, Stow, and are aiming to cut our community’s carbon emissions and traffic by promoting cycling for everyday travel and to encourage everyone to experience the joys of cycling in Stow’s stunning local scenery. If you, or someone […]

Parish church worship
Welcome back to worship. After some recent alterations to worship times, services in the Parish churches will be starting again at the usual times from this Sunday (18th April) – in Heriot Church at 9.45am and in Stow Church at 11.15am. Wednesday Worship will also commence again from 21st April – in Stow Church at […]
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