Easter Ebikes for hire…
Ebikes are available for hire over the Easter Holiday from Stow Cycle Hub! Members rates £10 a day, £40 for a week. Pop into cycle hub Thurs, Fri, and Sat 10:00 -11:00 for more details.

A night of curry!
A fundraising dining event at Stow Station House is happening on Friday 21st April. A Night of Curry starts at 7pm and £25 includes a drink and buffet. All profits go to the Vine Trust expedition raising funds for those living in extreme poverty in Tanzania.

Energy Saving Advice Event
The Green Stow group has organised a free event with Home Energy Scotland, looking at reducing energy and giving advcie on reducing energy bills at home. All welcome, Sunday 16th 2.30-4.00pm, Stow Station House.
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