Stow Christmas Carols
The Gala Water Singers, the valley’s community choir, will be holding their annual carol singing on Tuesday 12 December. Join them at 6.30pm at the Christmas tree at the Townfoot crossroad or 7pm in the Station House.

Christmas with the Gala Water Singers
Our community choir, The Gala Water Singers’ Christmas “Angels in the Snow” concert is at 3pm, Stow Church, Sunday 10th December. £8 per adult, buffet included.

Stow Baby and Toddler Christmas Fair
Stow Baby & Toddler Christmas Fair is on this Saturday, 9 December at the Town Hall from 10am-12pm. We’ve got a great range of stall holders if you are needing to do a bit more Christmas shopping. You can also post your letter to Santa if you haven’t already! Santa Claus himself is expected to […]

Stow Cycle Hub festive special offer!
Looking for an unusual local gift for Christmas? Stow Cycle Hub is offering a Members’ Special – a great festive deal: 3 weeks hire for the price of 1 week hire over the Christmas holidays! Membership is £35 / year ; subject to terms & conditions. Comntact the Hub for details.

Green Stow event
There’s another great free Green Stow event coming up – join the group at Stow Station House from 6.30pm, Monday 11 December, for a viewing of the film Fashioning a Better Future: exploring the impact of our clothes, with group discussion to follow on how we can look at this issue in the Gala Valley […]
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