Stow Pump Track and Stow Cycle Hub: one hour challenge
SUNDAY 26 MARCH at the Stow Pump Track site, Stow Park.

Community Cycle
There’s another community cycle tomorrow, Sunday 12 March, and cyclists of all abilities are welcome to join! Starts 1000am at Stow Cycle Hub. See the Hub FB page for details.

Green Stow meeting
GREEN STOW, the group for anyone interested in the environment or concerned about the climate emergency is having another Cloudhouse Cafe open meeting on Sunday 12 March. All welcome.

Mobile Library visits
The mobile library is back again this month. The Live Borders schedule is currently for the mobile library unit to visit the valley on: 2, 16, 30 Mar; 13, 27 Apr; 11, 25 May; 8, 22 June and 6, 20 July and will be found in Heriot, Fountainhall and Stow at the following times. Heriot […]

Live music sessions at the Station House in Stow start on the 10th March. The spirit of the event is that of an open mic night where musicians of any standard or genre can perform in a low key setting. For the 10th March the Stowed Out Festival team have curated a line up for […]

Vive l’ecosse!
FRANCE v SCOTLAND, Sunday 26 February. Watch the game on the big screen, kick off 2.30. Bar provided by Stow Brewery. £6 donation pp. Families welcome but, please, no dogs.

Book event, Thursday 2 March
Our very own local historian and parish archivist, Mary W Craig, is holding a Stow event to mark the launch of her latest book: Agnes Finnie – The Witch of the Potterrow Port. Come along to The Cloudhouse Cafe, from 6.30-9.00pm, to hear Mary talk about her book and grab the opportunity to buy a […]

Friday Funktion @ The Cloudhouse
Friday Funktion at The Cloudhouse Cafe – a mellow music evening of soul, funk, lounge and groove. 3rd March. Music from 7pm bar opens 6.30pm. Booking not essential.

STOW CYCLE HUB bike maintenance sessions
STOW CYCLE HUB has spaces available on tomorrow’s bike maintenance sessions at the Cycle Hub, from 1000am until 1200 noon Saturday 11 February. Check Facebook for more details, or pop by the HUb at Stow Station.

Earthquake Appeal Coffee Morning
EARTHQUAKE APPEAL COFFEE MORNING, STOW STATION HOUSE, SATURDAY 18 FEBRUARY. 10.00am until noon. Donations for a bake stall gratefully received on the day. Tombola prizes can be donated in advance to Stow Post Office. Join local volunteers in raising funds for all those affected by the terrible earthquakes in Syria and Turkey.
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