Free Author Event: The Romans in Scotland
Join Dr John H Reid, Chair of The Trimontium Trust, for a discussion about his book The Eagle and the Bear: A History of Roman Scotland. Thursday 16th May, 7-9pm. Tickets are free but should be reserved through the Wedale Bookshop website here.

Kids Clothes Swap, Heriot, Sun 23 June.
Kids’ Clothes Swap at the Macfie Hall, Heriot. Sunday June 23rd, 10am-2pm.Come and find some new-to-you kids clothes and have a cake, coffee and more at the Macfie Cafe. See Facebook for further details.

Fountainhall Community Cafe
The community cafe held in Fountainhall Village Hall is open until July every Monday from 10-12. £2 donations now taken for as many teas, coffees, biscuits and cakes as you can manage! All welcome!
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