Walk It!
Remember you can join the Stow Walk It Tuesday walk at 12.30 at the Station House for a 45-60 min walk. It’s a great way to meet Stow folk or get a break if you’re sitting in front of a computer screen all day – or just to enjoy our beautiful countryside. Our Thursday morning […]

Stow Station Nights
The Stow Community Trust volunteers are continuing to open the popular Stow Station Nights from 6.00pm – 10.00pm every Friday night. With draught beers, spirits, cocktails and soft drinks, the Station House is a perfect, safe and welcoming environment for all the community. Prefect for a blether with friends and neighbours!

Mobile Library dates
The Mobile Library fortnightly service returns to Fountainhall and Stow from the afternoon of Monday 22 January,stopping at the school and village hall in Fountainhall and Cockholm Crescent and Townfoot in Stow.

Happy New Year
Happy New Year from the Parish of Stow Community Council! The first meeting of the year takes place on Monday 8 January, 7.30pm at Stow Station House. The public are very welcome to attend and observe. (Image of Stow Hogmanay bonfire and fireworks – organised by Stow Sports Commmittee)
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