Stow Community Trust, Green Stow and Stow Primary School are working together to give you a weekend of activities at the end of the COP26 conference on 13th and 14th November.
On Saturday 13th November from 12pm – 5pm, come along to the Station House to get some ideas on how to reduce your carbon footprint. There will be lots of stalls and activities for us all to share ideas on how we can reduce waste, save money and also have fun!
The following day, on Sunday 14th November, Nigel Miller has kindly agreed to host a farm visit at Stagehall to let you see the great work that he is doing to face the climate emergency. We’ll be following this up with a Q&A panel session in the Station House with other local farmers to hear from them directly on the efforts that are being taken locally to improve our local environment. and to face the climate emergency.
Further details to follow.