Fountainhall Primary Autumn Term Update

Fountainhall school children started their busy year by participating in the Stow Flower Show. This tied in nicely with P1-6’s current topic of ‘My local environment’ and their on-going ECO schools work of maintaining our green flag.

Our Junior Road Safety Officers attended a conference in Galashiels to learn about their new role and have started with a ‘Be bright, be seen!’ campaign. We had a visit from Network Rail and Transport Police to tell us about the rail safety programme and we have chosen our new Rail Reps.

We have also had a very musical start to the year with a new music teacher, Mrs Laura Warburton, and opportunities to learn the violin, guitars and ukelele. The children will be showing off their new skills in a number of performances for family and friends of the school.

We also had a visit from Zoolab for all the children funded by our Parent Council. Fountainhall Early Learning and Child Care Centre (ELCC) continues to thrive. The youngest children had a joint outdoor play session with Stow ELCC in the grounds of Fountainhall. They have organised a Mini Macmillan Juice Morning for the rest of the school, providing them with juice from tiny china tea sets and home baking. P1-6 then also supported the community Macmillan Coffee Morning in the Village Hall. The children will continue their charity work by celebrating Jeans for Genes Day on Friday 3rd October.

The older pupils will be participating in the local Hockey and Rugby Festivals in Galashiels just before the October holidays and they are also beginning a series of Chess sessions with Mr Tom Lawson in preparation for the Learning Community Chess Competition.

Our wonderful Parent Council organised a very successful Sausage Sizzle on Friday 12th September. This was a great social evening and was very well supported by both the immediate Fountainhall community and the wider Gala Water valley community. We would like to thank Stow Post Office for their kind donation.

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