Races start at 1.00pm prompt
Meet at the Town Hall at 12.30pm to follow the Pipe Band to the park.
Full programme of events including refreshments and attractions.
Forms have been delivered, more available at the Post Office or from Hamish Hunter.
Entries for the Adult sports must be returned to the handicappers, Hamish Hunter (Tel 730740) orAndrew Riddell(Tel 730457) or handed into Hunter Architecture 231 Galashiels Rd Stow no later than Wednesday 20th June 2012
Late entries will not be listed in the programme. Competitors must have reached their 15th Birthday to compete in adult events.
ELEGIBILITY: All track and field events are only open to Children and Adults who have, or have had a permanent place of residence in the Parishes of Stow or Heriot. The novelty, cycle and relay events are open to all. In the interest of fair play, we ask that you adhere to this rule.
Entrants in the Children’s Cycle Race, must wear a helmet