Stow Sports 2012 results
The results are now available. more
Wood fuel evening
Wood fuel evening. A free public event all about how we in Stow and Fountainhall can make more and better use of wood fuel more
Kevock gardens and dates for your diary
The GHS car trip to Kevock Gardens in March was a great success for those people who joined in. The talk on plants was well attended and Barrie from Mayshade Garden Centre, gave us useful information on a variety of plants which he had brought as examples of survivors for our climate. FUTURE DATES FOR […]
LCGW Spring update
Finally, spring has sprung! LCG continues to move our projects forward and we seem to be quite close to securing a sizable pot of funding which will help us do great things. This is a good time of year to be making improvements to your home, whether insulation, ventilation, glazing or heating system. A number […]
Recent grants awarded
Grants awarded by the EDF & SSE Community Benefit Funds after the last two grant calls in December and March: Stow Parent Council £10,000 Parish of Stow Community Council £884 Stow Baby and Toddler Group £560 Stow Community Trust £2,009 Fountainhall Parent Council £1,614 Stow Pipe Band £8,611 Border Woodland Services £72 Stow Old Time […]
Interested in old maps?
I came across this site what an amazing resource. Use the maps on the left to display the area of interest from maps dating as far back as the 1800’s. Here is a link which takes you to the site and centres it on stow.
GWHA spring update
A full programme is being planned by the Committee so watch out for posters giving final dates and details. Non members are welcome to come to any event. The Plant Sale will be held on Sat. 19th May and the Flower Show on Sat. 1st. September. A talk will be given on Garden Centre plants […]
Galawater singers
The Gala Water Singers had a great time singing at the Christmas Concert and we hope those who attended enjoyed it as much as we did. Membership continues to grow and if anyone wants to try community choir singing then come along to a rehearsal at 7.30p.m. Tuesdays at Fountainhall School and try it out! […]
Stow community trust
In 2009 a group was formed to look into the community taking ownership of the Old Primary School building. Once a feasibility study had been completed a public meeting was held where members of the community were invited to join the group in 2011. Since then, The Stow Community Trust has become a registered company […]
Stow parish archive Spring update
The Stow Parish Archive has hit the ground running in 2012. In January, we had a behind-the-scenes tour of the Heritage Hub in Hawick. The archive staff had laid out various items pertaining to Stow, including a nice collection of postcards. We have collected some of the Hub’s advice sheets on how to research local […]
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