

The Kids Club runs between 12.15 and 6.15 on a Friday, so any parents  wishing  to  have  an  afternoon  shopping  /  relaxing  /  doing housework, whatever they want, are welcome to bring their children along  to  the  club.  We  cater  for  ages  4  –  12  and  will  be  issuing  our schedule in the next few […]

Windfarm Awards and Application Deadlines 2015

Tom  Black  from  Foundation  Scotland  0131  524  0331  reports  that the current Windfarm Community Benefit Fund Panel is working well with  clear  decision  making  processes  and  good  governance  (e.g. declarations of interest). There was a space on the Panel up for renewal last year but no nominations were forthcoming. The Panel want to start staggered […]

The Old Kirk

THE  OLD  KIRK: Many  members  of  the  community have been shocked at the number of tombstones that have been laid flat by Scottish Borders Council in the Old  Kirkyard.  Whilst  health  and  saftey  considerations are very important, this action seems draconian. Several community groups have written to the Community Council and the CC have passed […]


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