Community Resilience Plan
The Community Council would like to see if a community resilience plan can be established in Stow. Can you get involved? ...read more
Community Resilience Plan
At a recent public meeting, Fountainhall community discussed making a resilience plan. This is where the community can pull together in bad times; for example , in situations with bad snow, power cuts, flooding, bad accidents, a missing person etc. We have had an excellent response. Our plan is being completed and will be up […]

Community Newsletter: Public Notice
For reasons of logistics, and owing to inflated petrol costs, we are looking to send out e-copies of the community newsletter to rural households in the more remote areas. ...read more
Are you a good neighbour?
At the April Community Council meeting it was debated whether or not Stow & Fountainhall should sign up to join a Borders-wide scheme devised by SBC called Community Resilience, designed to encourage rural communities to pull together in bad weather.While the scheme is in essence a very positive one, it was felt that we as […]
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