Galawater Photography Group
Next meeting of the Galawater Photography Group is Friday 27th October in the Station House in Stow. We really need people to come along and say how they would like the group to move forward and what they want to do. Please come along for some informal chat and friendly discussion. All levels and abilities […]
Now on Facebook!
You might have noticed that our posts on this page are a bit out of date. That’s not because we aren’t active but because we’ve found it so easy to put pictures and albums on Facebook and to keep it up to date. You’ll find there are several groups. One for anybody to see is […]
September activities
Galawater Camera Club will be displaying at the 5th September railway celebrations in Stow. Our main exhibit will be members’ photographs of the Waverley Line as is was between 1969 and 2013 – when it served as an unofficial walkway between the Borders and Midlothian. The views taken will not be able to be seen […]
Galawater Camera Club
The Galawater Camera Club has had sessions at both Stow and Heriot churches and continues to pursue fresh ideas. Future activities include: displaying at the Horticultural plant sale in May, supporting the September “railway celebrations”, technical sessions and outings to exhibitions. We meet once a month – usually on the last Wednesday; new members are […]
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