Flower Show 2012 prize winners
Listed below are the cupwinners from Saturday’s GWHS Flower Show 2012 Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter and to all who came along in the afternoon. Prize Winner Murray & Burrell Cup Best Exhibit, Vegetable section Jim Mercer Malcolm Stirling Cup Best Collection of Potatoes Jim Mercer Williamson Cup and £5 Most […]

Galawater Horticultural Society Update : Annual Bus Trip
Twenty two joined the annual bus trip venturing down to Whalton Manor, nr. Morpeth. This is a private garden, which Mr. & Mrs. Norton only open to groups like our own. We were fortunate that the rain cleared for about an hour to let us enjoy the gardens as they are meant to be enjoyed […]

Galawater Horticultural Society Update : The June Car Trip
The June Car Trip took a small number to Carolside, Earlston taking advantage of the regular opening times throughout June and July. Once again the gardens did not disappoint us even although the roses were not in full bloom having been affected by the elements. We took advantage of one of the few sunny days […]

Annual Flower Show
2012 Annual flower show on 1st September. Despite the poor summer lets hope we can put on a good display this year! If you’ve never entered help will be on hand ...read more
Kevock gardens and dates for your diary
The GHS car trip to Kevock Gardens in March was a great success for those people who joined in. The talk on plants was well attended and Barrie from Mayshade Garden Centre, gave us useful information on a variety of plants which he had brought as examples of survivors for our climate. FUTURE DATES FOR […]
Community Garden
A possible site has been identified for a community garden …What would you like from a community garden? ...read more
GWHA spring update
A full programme is being planned by the Committee so watch out for posters giving final dates and details. Non members are welcome to come to any event. The Plant Sale will be held on Sat. 19th May and the Flower Show on Sat. 1st. September. A talk will be given on Garden Centre plants […]
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