Should dogs be banned from the Quoiting Green?
We love our dogs but in the interests of guaranteed cleanliness should dogs be banned from the Quoiting Green? VOTE NOW ...read more
Mini Snow Ploughs
The Community Council is considering purchasing mini snow ploughs to help clear snow from pavements. We need volunteers willing to drive the ploughs… are you interested? ...read more
Community Garden
A possible site has been identified for a community garden …What would you like from a community garden? ...read more
Stow Lunch Club
Stow Lunch Club meets on Thursdays at 12.30p.m. in the Community Room at Stow Health Centre for delicious food and good company. Everyone who lives in the parish and is aged over 60 is welcome, although anyone younger than this who would like to come and help would also be well received. The cost for […]
Galawater singers
The Gala Water Singers had a great time singing at the Christmas Concert and we hope those who attended enjoyed it as much as we did. Membership continues to grow and if anyone wants to try community choir singing then come along to a rehearsal at 7.30p.m. Tuesdays at Fountainhall School and try it out! […]
Stow community trust
In 2009 a group was formed to look into the community taking ownership of the Old Primary School building. Once a feasibility study had been completed a public meeting was held where members of the community were invited to join the group in 2011. Since then, The Stow Community Trust has become a registered company […]
Stow youth club
All is going well with the Youth Club with a good turnout by the children every Thursday in the Town Hall – Katie the Youth Worker is running the Youth Club with the weekly assistance of Sheila Russell and some dedicated local teenagers as well as rota’d parents to assist. Although it has only been […]
On track – news from the waverly railway project
In an unexpected move last autumn, Transport Scotland announced that negotiations with the one remaining contractor bidding to design, build and maintain the railway to Tweedbank had been terminated, and that Network Rail had been asked to deliver the project instead. The official position is that the move will not affect either the cost or […]
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