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Stow Sports 2015

Stow Sports 2015

The sun is shining… the stage is set… the athletes are ready… bring on Stow Sports more

Stow Kids Club

We wish our Manager Zara all the very best as she begins her maternity leave. We will all miss her. We have a program of events for our Fun Friday afternoons – details of which can be obtained by contacting the club – 07944 617310, or email, We are currently looking to recruit a […]

Lives on the Line

Lives on the Line

Stow Primary School are delighted to invite everyone to celebrate the opening of THE RAILWAY more

Stow Toddler & Music group

Spring has now definitely arrived, we have made it through the winter months, and all at baby and toddler group are looking forward to this term. We will be holding our annual Bear Walk in Wooplaw woods in May and at our recent AGM there were lots of great suggestions for other fun activities. We […]

Galawater Camera Club

The Galawater Camera Club has had sessions at both Stow and Heriot churches and continues to pursue fresh ideas. Future activities include: displaying at the Horticultural plant sale in May, supporting the September “railway celebrations”, technical sessions and outings to exhibitions. We meet once a month – usually on the last Wednesday; new members are […]

Galawater Camera Club

The Gala Water Camera Club was begun as a social and discussion group in Heriot Village for local people who were interested in the use of Cameras and Photography. This has now expanded to cover video, the digital issues around software, printing and other related matters as well. In 2013 this group was formalised into […]

Local musicians wanted for Stowed Out 2015

Local musicians wanted for Stowed Out 2015

Sound Out are looking for local Musicians and Artists to take part in this years Stowed Out Festival more

Open Mic Night

Get up and have a go! No age limit. No restrictions. If you want to show us your talents come along. Saturday 28th March. 7.30. Stow Town Hall

Visit to Belarus

Visit to Belarus

Fraser Simm, Chairman of Scottish Borders Link of Chernobyl Children Lifeline is visiting Belarus more

Stow Defibrillator

There has now been a public access defibrillator placed in Stow post office and can be accessed by anyone in an emergency during opening hours.The future plan is to purchase a cabinet to house the defibrillator outside the town hall so access will eventually be 24/7. The defibrillator requires no training and is completely self […]


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