Stowed Out 2021 line-up revealed!
Details for this year’s Virtual Stowed Out Festival on Saturday 14 August have been posted on Facebook. Like the hugely successful event last year, this year’s event will be accessible online. Further details to come, but check the Facebook page for more information.

Poster Design Competition
Stowed Out – Rock by Rail Poster Design Competition, Deadline for entries: Friday 1st April 2016 … ...read more

Stowed Out Festival 2015
EARLY BIRD REDUCED RATE ENTRY FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS. This year local residents will have the opportunity to purchase Saturday Festival tickets at a reduced rate, in advance, from Stow Post Office. Visitors from outwith the local area who book online or arrive on the day will pay the full rate. U18’s and concessions who will […]

Local musicians wanted for Stowed Out 2015
Sound Out are looking for local Musicians and Artists to take part in this years Stowed Out Festival ...read more
Open Mic Night
Get up and have a go! No age limit. No restrictions. If you want to show us your talents come along. Saturday 28th March. 7.30. Stow Town Hall
Sound Out
Fantastic news- Sound Out have just received written conformation that a large chunk of our Festival running cost for the next 3 years will be funded by Foundation Scotland from the EDF Longpark Community Fund. This will make a huge difference in our ability to do some long term planning and it is good to […]

Sound Out Update Jan 2015
It has been a busy few months for Sound Out and we see exciting times ahead. The most important development is the fantastic news that we have been awarded a substantial grant from the EDF Longpark Community Fund to cover part of our Festival running costs for the next three years. This will make it […]
Stowed Out 2014
Stowed out Festival was a tremendous success, there was a massive community turn out of seven hundred people attending over the two days to enjoy an eclectic mix of music. The Festival featured fifty three musicians from our own local villages, the Borders and beyond. Highlights included Shooglenifty with a dance floor filling set of […]
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