Community Newsletter Spring edition out soon

Got a story to share with the valley? The deadline for the community newsletter is Sunday 25th April!

I’d like to introduce the new community newsletter team to you.  We are (in no particular order) Andrea Carlino, Lorna Lagerman, Gordon Stewart, Fiona Nisbet, myself and, of course, our invaluable link to the community council, Jenny Mushlin. We all have learned over the last few weeks what an amazing job Wendy and Heather have done, producing this newsletter to such professional standards. Theirs are very big boots to fill indeed. I think we are all quaking a little in ours! So before I get down to business, I would like to pay tribute to Heather and Wendy and the incredible dedication they have shown to the newsletter for so many years. I never really imagined, sitting at my kitchen table reading the newsletter over a cup of tea, how much work goes into it. So thank you, Heather and Wendy.

I am, of course, writing to you today to ask for contributions to the next issue of the Stow and Fountainhall Community Newsletter.

Please make sure we receive your contribution by then, we might not be able to accept late copy. We are aiming to publish the next issue by the end of May. But please bear in mind that it might take a few days for the newsletter to find its way into folk’s homes.

We all know that these are not ‘normal’ times. Although we hope to see a return to some normality over the summer, nobody really knows what our summer is going to look like. So please, don’t be put off contributing to the newsletter by this uncertainty. If you are a community group, old or new, let everyone know who you are, what you have been up to and how they can get in touch with you. If you are tentatively planning any events, let us know but include some contact details. Remember, not everyone is on facebook!

So get writing! And we love pictures too!

We look forward to receiving your contributions.  Leave a reply below or email


 Any questions, just give us a shout.

Many thanks.

Claudia Bolling

Community Newsletter Team

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