GWHA spring update

A full programme is being planned by the Committee so watch out for posters giving final dates and details. Non members are welcome to come to any event.

  • The Plant Sale will be held on Sat. 19th May and the Flower Show on Sat. 1st. September.
  • A talk will be given on Garden Centre plants and planting during Feb./Mar. Date to be confirmed.
  • A second talk will be held in May on Garden Water Features.
  • 4 car trips are being explored.

These trips have been going for 2 years and have proved very popular as the gardens we visit are quite local and we share cars which means that non drivers can join in the afternoon visits. Most of the gardens are opened especially for our group and often we get a guided tour and because it is a small group people can ask questions and learn from the professionals / owners. Normally the owners will charge a nominal fee. The gardens, which are being considered, are – Jupiter Art Land, Bonnington Hall nr. Heriot Watt University; Edinburgh Botanic Gardens; Kevock Gardens, Loanhead; Carolside, Earlston.

An update on dates will be in the next newsletter but posters will advertise the Feb/March talk and possibly a car trip in March.

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