Stow in the Distance

Hello! I thought I’d advertise my silly wee blog. It’s called “Stow in the Distance”.

I live in Stow doing little freelance writing jobs, and have found myself walking 8+ miles a day in the hills and back roads around the village. So last week I decided to start writing about it. Why not, eh?

I’m not a clever person. I get lost a fair bit and always seem to end up stuck in a field surrounded by cows. So I invite you to come and enjoy my blithe incompetence and daft observations. Please feel free to comment on any of the posts, and certainly to suggest some walks you reckon I should cover.

I hope, at least, that you get a bit of a giggle out of it.

One Response

  1. Alexandrina Murray
    Alexandrina Murray February 16, 2013 at 6:16 pm | | Reply

    I shall visit your blog now.
    Do you ever go walking near to Ferniehurst?
    Alexandrina Murray

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