Council seeks feedback on 40mph limit
The Council are asking Borderers for feedback to help determine if a number of trial traffic measures introduced over the COVID-19 pandemic should be made permanent, including the 40mph limit on the back road linking Stow and Fountainhall. Comments and opinions can be registered online here.

Police appeal for information
Following a fatal car crash near St Boswells, Police Scotland are appealing for witnesses – especially drivers with dash-cam footage. The incident happened around 8.15pm on Friday, 4 February and involved a silver Ford Fusion car which was travelling southbound when it left the road. Emergency services attended and a 27-year-old man, the driver and […]

Scottish Borders Council is looking to consult residents on the recent speed restrictions put in place in towns and villages across the region. This included the 20 mph speed restriction through the centre of Stow, speed monitors and 40 mph limits on the back roads. Please share your thoughts on the trial 20mph speed limit […]
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