Tom Black from Foundation Scotland 0131 524 0331 reports that
the current Windfarm Community Benefit Fund Panel is working well
with clear decision making processes and good governance (e.g.
declarations of interest). There was a space on the Panel up for renewal
last year but no nominations were forthcoming. The Panel want to start
staggered elections so they invite anyone interested in taking an active
part in the development of our community to get in touch with Tom.
Latest Awards:
Stow Kids Club: £4,000.00 … To fund a greater variety of activities in the
Club and provide transport to Galashiels where the proposed activities
would take place.
Sound Out: £15,000.00 … To contribute to running costs of the 2015,
2016 and 2017 Stowed Out Festival.
Application Deadlines 2015
19thJanuary (EDF) and 6th February (SSE) (panel meets:3rd March)
13th April(panel meets:2nd June)
13th July(panel meets:1st September)
12th October(panel meets:1st December)