Moving forwards
Stow Kids Club recently held their AGM, at which only one parent attended. Following the meeting, this parent submitted the following letter and we are very glad of such a public display of support. The Club has gone through some rocky times over the past year and much hard work has gone on behind the […]
Stow Parish Archive on Facebook
Slowly but surely we are getting busier on Facebook. A particular thank you to Ian McL who has posted a number of lovely old photos of people and places around about Stow. Drop by and see what you think! more
Dates for rounds of grant funding 2013
Below are the deadlines for applications to the Windfarm Community Benefit Fund for 2013. deadline 15 April 2013 – panel meets 4 June 2013 deadline 15 July 2013 – panel meets 3 Sept 2013 deadline 14 October 2013 – panel meets 3 Dec 2013 The Parish of Stow Advisory Panel has two application forms – […]
Men’s 5 aside footy
Every Tuesday, 8-9pm. Friendly game of 5 aside football on the newly refurbished Stow multicourt more

Spotlight on Alan McNeilly
Why would someone volunteer to be Treasurer of the Community Council? Most people might think that such a person has a perverse delight in bean counting or perhaps a measure of insanity. So I asked the current incumbent, Alan McNeilly, why he has been Treasurer for over ten years and uncovered some interesting answers. Alan […]
GWHA Winter update
The Galawater Horticultural Society committee is beginning to plan for the year ahead. The Annual Plant Sale will be held as usual in May further details will be on display nearer the time. Annual and Perennial Plants, any second hand tools and books will be on sale. If anyone has any spare plants, tools or […]
Galawater Singers News Feb 2013
Our Community Choir had a whirlwind and very satisfying weekend in December when we sang at the Pensioners’ Lunch and gave a concert in St. Peter’s Church, Galashiels, following this on the Sunday with a concert in Stow Church. At the Stow concert, it was great to hear three pieces from the newly formed Gala […]
Sound Out News Feb 2013
Sound Out continues to grow. The web site funded by the Community Benefit Fund is under construction. The site will promote the area and the artists who live and perform here. It will have access to photos and videos of events, recordings, the ability to buy tickets for future events, and much much more. To […]
Archive news Feb 2013
Stow Parish Archive is now in possession of three beautiful facsimile volumes of Victorian cuttings books. We have commissioned local furniture maker Rob Thomson to create a display unit that will allow members of the public to look at the books whilst keeping them secure. The Windfarm Community Benefit fund that made this work possible […]
Windfall for Stow & Fountainhall
SSE are holding £27,000 which has been allocated to Stow and Fountainhall as a lump sum grant. Initially, this was for earmarked for an energy efficiency project, now any project that has full community backing is eligible. Initial ideas and proposals are invited to be presented at a meeting to be held at 7pm Monday, […]
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