Carnivals and Concerts
Stow Pipe Band have recently returned from another successful trip to Cholet in France. We took part in the ‘Carnaval de Cholet’ along with many bands from Europe. We were cheered and covered in confetti along the whole carnival route. The organisation and hospitality we received was fantastic. Stow Pipe Band would like to invite […]

Happy Hosting!
Scottish Borders Link of CCLL will be hosting another visit this year – from 8th July to 5th August. The leader will be staying in Stow again, and Belinda Glennon recalls last year’s visit with fond memories. “I had seen posters and a neighbour, who had hosted children, told me a little about the organisation. […]

The Stitchers O’ Stow
Last summer a Stow sewing group began work on a panel of The Great Tapestry of Scotland, one of the biggest community arts projects ever to be realised in Scotland. The Great Tapestry was devised by author Alexander McCall Smith and features the work of historian Alistair Moffat and artist Andrew Crummy. It illustrates the […]
Happy 10th Birthday Lunch Club!
Stow Lunch Club has been in existence for 10 years with the first lunch being served to 12 senior citizens on 21st May 2003. We meet every week at 12.30 on Thursdays in the Community Centre at Stow Health Centre, for a delicious meal and excellent company. We now have 24 members, some joining us […]

Opening Out Stow Archive
Unveiled at our Annual General Meeting on May 1st were the facsimiles of Cuttings Books dating from 1850 stored on this beautiful lectern. This project was made possible with a grant from the Parish of Stow Windfarm Community Benefit Fund and the generosity and support of Scottish Borders Council Archive Service. The lectern was made […]
Stow School – summer term news
The boys and girls all enjoyed their Easter break and have returned ready for what promises to be a very busy term. There are lots of sporting events taking place this term. We were very keen to purchase sports tops that can be worn by our pupils at these events. We are very grateful to […]
Fountainhall Primary School Successes
Following an unannounced inspection from the Care Inspectorate in December, Fountainhall Primary School Nursery have been awarded 4 excellents and 4 very goods. The inspection focused on the following quality themes; Care and Support, Environment, Staffing and Management and Leadership. In the summary, the inspector stated, “Fountainhall Primary School Nursery is an exciting and stimulating […]

Fountainhall Village Hall – next steps
Fountainhall Village Hall has just been successful in its stage one application to the Big Lottery to get funding to refurbish the village hall. Community Spaces Scotland has given us a development grant of £11,109. This is to allow us to get plans, planning permission and community consultation to allow us to move on to […]

Stowed Out 2013
Many of you will now be familiar with Sound Out, promoting music and the arts in Stow and the surrounding area. Enormous headway has been made this year as a result of an award of funding by Foundation Scotland from the EDF Longpark Community Fund to help develop and grow the second Stowed Out music […]
Meeting Minutes from Community Project Meeting
The minutes from the Action on Community projects meeting held on the 29 April 2013 are available to download here.
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