Hogmanay Bonfire and Fireworks on the Quoting Green
Bring in the New Year (later than planned!) at the Hogmanay Bonfire & Fireworks Display ...read more

A long wait!
With 75 primary and approx 50 secondary pupils it takes a long time to get a shot on the swings in Stow Park ...read more

Thank you Stow!
Hello, We are Thea and Rachael, on the 15th of November we put together a sale and sold cakes, flapjacks, handmade christmas cards and loom band bracelets. It was very successful, we managed to raised £71 for our chosen charity – Borders Pet Rescue. Borders Pet Rescue take in and rehome dogs, cats, rabbits and […]
Stow Youth Club needs YOU!
The Youth Club has taken a break to build up some strength in numbers. We are looking for more Committee members to help us run the club. We are also looking for a new Youth worker. We are hoping to continue to run the club for Primary 4s and older. Please contact Ulrika on 07714994311 […]
Fountainhall Primary Autumn Term Update
Fountainhall school children started their busy year by participating in the Stow Flower Show. This tied in nicely with P1-6’s current topic of ‘My local environment’ and their on-going ECO schools work of maintaining our green flag. Our Junior Road Safety Officers attended a conference in Galashiels to learn about their new role and have […]
Stow Toddlers Update
The children are enjoying some new equipment and activities we have been able to buy thanks to a very kind donation from Amanda Runciman (Stow Highland Dance School) and a grant from the Toddleburn (Stow) Community Fund. We have also had fun over the summer with our annual sponsored ‘Bear Walk’ and stall at Stowed […]
GWOAC 2015 weekend meets
We’re always looking for new members – we organise a number of local walks throughout the winter and the weekend meet schedule for 2015 is: • 24th to 27th April, Shore Lodge, Arran • 22nd to 24th May, Naesmith Hut, Elphin • 17th to 19th July, Muir of Inverey, Braemar • 14th to 16th August, […]
Stow Primary School Autumn term
We’ve had a busy start to the new school year. Primary 1 pupils have settled into school life with great enthusiasm. Our JRSO’s attended a conference in Galashiels and continue to teach us about road safety. Nursery children have been enjoying the outdoors and joined the boys and girls at Fountainhall for play and learning. […]
Stow Parish Archive welcomes Mary Craig
With the good fortune of a grant from the Windfarm Community Benefit Fund, Stow Parish Archive is entering a very exciting phase from which we hope the community at large will benefit and enjoy. Stow Parish has its very own Community Archivist which is probably a unique distinction for a place this size. Lucy Stock […]
Community Projects Autumn 2014
The Old Kirk Work on stabilising the fabric of the Old Kirk is nearing completion. Throughout the building, limestone mortar has been used to ensure that water does not collect within the walls allowing irreparable damage by frost. The louvres in the bell tower have been replaced by the Stow-based company, Miller & Sons. Previously, […]
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