Stow Cycle Hub weekend
Come along to the Stow Cycle Hub to check out our ebikes this weekend! Find out about members scheme…. Check out new bikes… If you haven’t tried one before come and try one out. We are open this Saturday (23 April) 10am till 4pm and Sunday (24 April) 9:30-10:30. COME AND TRY AN EBIKE!

STOW COMMUNITY TRUST AND COMMUNITY COUNCIL – JOINT HUSTINGS EVENT FOR COUNCIL ELECTIONS MONDAY 25TH APRIL AT 7PM IN THE TOWN HALL Here’s your chance to meet candidates for the forthcoming Council #LocalElections2022 and ask the questions that matter to you!

STOWED OUT: GIG FOR UKRAINE, SATURDAY 23RD APRIL, STOW TOWN HALL, 7.30PM. Stowed Out are putting on a special event to support Ukrainian refugees. Put the date in your diary. Message the Stowed Out team if you want to perform. Please share.

Community Newsletter out now!
All homes in the community should now have received the latest copy of the community newsletter – also available here digitally! Another great read showing the vibrant place we call home! Stow&Fountainhall No.45 newsletter March 22

Community Shed next meeting
COMMUNITY SHED – NEXT STEPS After a positive first meeting to talk about the possibility of a Community Shed in Stow it seems that a number of folk are keen to take it forward. Ross Hall who co-ordinates Sheds across the Borders was at our recent meeting and gave us some really helpful information on […]

Stow Service for Peace
SUNDAY 27 MARCH: ALL welcome for a Stow Service of Peace. Stow St Mary of Wedale, 4.00pm.

VACANCY: Cycle Hub Manager Required
VACANCY: Cycle Hub Manager Required We are a community-led project that is based at the new Station House in Stow, Scottish Borders. We aim to promote cycling for everyday travel activities and encourage everyone to experience the joys of cycling. We are recruiting a Cycle Hub Manager to develop and manage the Cycle Hub. Informal […]

Service for Peace
St Mary of Wedale: special service. All are welcome to a Service of Peace in Stow Church on 27 March at 4pm – a time for reflection and prayer for peace in our world.

Support the Stow Pump Track!
Support the Stow Pump Track and enjoy an evening of wine and Scottish cheeses as the Station House, 18 March 7.00-10.30pm! Tickets available now, £7.50. Booking essential! Contact stowpumptrack@gmail.com for information.

Men’s Shed meeting
INTERESTED IN HELPING TO SET UP AND GET INVOLVED IN A COMMUNITY SHED? Community Sheds – many of which have been sarted up as “Men’s Sheds” are really popular across the world, bringing people together to learn, develop and share skills and to get involved in local practical projects and enjoy each other’s company. Come […]
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