What’s the future for Stow Town Hall – Community Conversation
The Stow Community Action Plan confirmed that Stow Town Hall is a much-loved and valued community asset but what does the future hold for this building? How would you like to see the building used? What changes can be made for the better? Join the conversation on Wednesday 17 April, 7-9pm at the Town Hall.

Housing matters in Stow and Fountainhall!
Housing has been identified as a key concern in the Community Action Plan. As a result, Stow Community Trust have launched a local housing survey, developed with the help of South of Scotland Community Housing – SOSCH – and Scottish Borders Council. To take part, visit this link or submit a paper copy (available from […]

Royal Hotel site – your views are needed!
The Community Action Plan highlighted concerns about the Royal Hotel site in the centre of Stow. Stow Community Trust are collecting your opinions on what could go on to the site as part of a potential future development. Please let us know what you’d like to see happen on the empty plot. Feel free to […]

Foodbank Fundraiser Quiz Night
Galashiels Foodbank does a great job in helping people through some difficult times…to support their efforts, Stow Community Trust are hosting a quiz night at Stow Station House, Saturday 27 February from 7.30pm. Grab a ticket to come and put some of your questionable knowledge to good use! £15 per team (maximum of four!).

Friday Nights at Stow Station House
It’s a Vinyl Night tonight! 33s and 45s with Pete are the flavour of the evening – come down and enjoy. Bar open 6pm-10pm, 18+ only. Sorry, no dogs.

Board Games Nights!
Stow Station House continues to open on Friday evenings from 6pm to 10pm. Why not pop in for a drink and a blether this weekend? Also starting this Friday, a Board Games Evening will run on the first Friday of the month in the Engine Room (also from 6pm to 10pm). Plenty of board games […]

Job opportunity: Stow Community Development Officer
Stow Community Trust are advertising a full-time post, to help lead and deliver the Stow and Fountainhall Community Action Plan. Further details are available from the SCT and online. Closing date, 9 May 2023.

Friday Nights at the Station House
From Friday 14 April, Stow Station House will open weekly for a series of social events organised by Stow Community Trust. The bar opens at 6pm this Friday, so why not head along for a drink and a catch-up with friends?

Stow opens Station House as a warm space
Thanks to Scottish Borders Council, Stow Community Trust are opening up the Station House on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am-5pm starting tomorrow until the end of April. Please come along for a coffee, chat and heat or use the first class WiFi to work or study in our award winning Station House.

Scotland v England, Saturday 4 February
SCOTLAND V ENGLAND, SATURDAY 4 FEBRUARY – watch the big game on the big screen at Stow Station House from 4pm (kick off, 4.45). BYOB with hot pies for sale at half-time (£2.50). Register to attend – contact Stow Community Trust through their website or Facebook page. Suggested donation of £6pp welcome (cash preferred). Sorry, […]
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