Stow Folk!
STOW FOLK STATION HOUSE SESSIONS Stow folk music sessions are back again meeting on the first Sunday of the month at Stow Station House, 3pm. All welcome to sing, play music or just listen and enjoy…
Council seeks feedback on 40mph limit
The Council are asking Borderers for feedback to help determine if a number of trial traffic measures introduced over the COVID-19 pandemic should be made permanent, including the 40mph limit on the back road linking Stow and Fountainhall. Comments and opinions can be registered online here.
Police appeal for information
Following a fatal car crash near St Boswells, Police Scotland are appealing for witnesses – especially drivers with dash-cam footage. The incident happened around 8.15pm on Friday, 4 February and involved a silver Ford Fusion car which was travelling southbound when it left the road. Emergency services attended and a 27-year-old man, the driver and […]
WI Craft and Chat Group
CRAFT & CHAT GROUP – ADDITIONAL DATES Due to the popularity of WI Craft and Chat Group group, you can now join twice a month – the first and third Tuesday of each month. The group meet in the Stow Station House Engine Room 2pm-4pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday 15th Feb. Either bring […]
Stow Folk Music Sessions return
STOW STATION HOUSE SESSIONS! Stow folk music sessions are back again meeting on the first Sunday of the month in a brand new venue. Stow Station House is the destination for folk music. All welcome to sing, play music or just listen and enjoy…
STOW CYCLE HUB OPENING ON SATURDAYS From 15 January the Stow Cycle Hub at the Station House will open 10.00-16.00 on Saturdays. Seek advice, get bikes repaired and enjoy a chat about cycling in the heart of the village! Donations for repair, unwanted bikes and equipment very welcome.
YELLOW weather alert for Thursday 6 January
YELLOW ALERT FOR SNOW AND ICE – Thursday 6 January The Met Office has issued a yellow alert for snow and ice covering much of Scotland tommorrow, including the Gala Water Valley. This lasts from 1000 until 1600. Travel may be interrupted and caution on the roads and pavements is advised. Further details are available […]
Parish of Stow Community Council next meeting – Monday 10 January
COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY 10 JANUARY PROPOSED WINDFARM UPDATE Representatives from the company planning the Greystone Knowe wind farm will be attending the online Parish of Stow Community Council meeting on Monday 10 January. As reported earlier by the Community Council, Greystone Knowe wind farm is a new wind farm proposed for the area. Display […]
Stow Community Trust AGM – get involved!
STOW COMMUNITY TRUST – GET INVOLVED! We’ll be holding our virtual AGM on Thursday 3rd February at 7pm for Trust members. If you’d like to become a member of SCT and join our AGM, please contact For further information about SCT please look at their website.
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