COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS ARE OUT! From the Stow Community Trust: we had a really good turnout last night to get sight of the results from our Community Consultation, thanks to all who came along! You can still come along and see the results and give us your views and ideas. Here are the times in […]

History event tonight
A REMINDER OF TONIGHT’S EVENT IN THE TOWN HALL. The Galawater History & Heritage Association’s annual Friends event takes place in Stow Town Hall, from 7pm tonight. If you are not a member, come along and meet the GWHHA and join – we’d love to see you! Tonight’s preview of the “Growing Up in the […]

Train cancellations, Monday 10 October
ALL TRAINS FROM STOW CANCELLED ON MONDAY 10 OCTOBER. Industrial action by the RMT Union will see all services from Stow Station cancelled on Monday 10 October. Apart from a very small number of trains serving Edinburgh to Glasgow, there will be no other trains running in SCotland on this day. Borders Buses service X95 […]

What Matters Hubs
NEW ‘WHAT MATTERS ‘HUB’ MEETS REGULARLY IN STOW. Scottish Borders Council’s What Matters Hubs offer drop-in sessions and appointments where you can meet people from community groups and voluntary organisations as well as social workers and occupational therapists. You can find out more about the SBC assessment process and eligibility criteria as well as their […]

Harvest Thanksgiving Services, 2 October
STOW ST MARY OF WEDALE AND HERIOT CHURCHES CELEBRATE HARVEST THANKSGIVING THIS WEEKEND. Services will be held at Heriot Church at 0945 and at Stow Station House, in the Engine Room, at 11.15am on Sunday 2 October. Donations of non-perishable foods or money donations for the local foodbank will be gratefully received. All welcome. Tea […]

MacMillan Coffee morning, Friday 30th September
Stow Primary School’s P3,4,5 & Mrs Leckie will be hosting the annual Macmillan Scotland Big Coffee Morning tomorrow at 11am-12 noon. Please pop along for a cuppa, scone and chat and help us support this very worthwhile cause. We’d love to see you. There will be a cake and candy stall and a raffle. All […]

Gala Water Horticultural Society meeting
GALA WATER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY meeting, Thursday 29 September, 7pm Stow Station House. “Ecoflowers: what, why and how?” Join this sustainability talk with Bridget Bevan from Borders EcoFlowers. Event will be free with an option raffle (£1 per ticket) to win a bunch of EcoFlowers. Talk will be followed by teas, coffee and biscuits. All welcome.

Fountainhall events
FOUNTAINHALL VILLAGE HALL AGM – Wednesday 18th September, from 7.30pm. FOUNTAINHALL QUIZ NIGHT – Saturday October 1st from 7.30, for individual players or teams up to 4. Licenced bar. 16+ More details available of the Fountainhall Village Hall Facebook page.

Community Walk, 25 September
Another community walk is taking place tomorrow, Sunday 25 September to Bow Castle broch. All welcome, but the route is strenuous in parts.

GROWING UP IN THE GALA VALLEY The Gala Water History & Heritage Association (GWHHA) is proud to anounce the annual Friends’ event and free exhibition for 2022. Growing up in the Gala Valley looks at the memories and artefacts of childhood in the Gala Water valley. There is an exhibition preview and social event for […]
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