Jubilee celebrations at Cloudhouse!
The Cloudhouse Cafe is hosting some Jubilee celebrations on Saturday 4 June. Afternoon Teas will be available: £10 per person with tea or coffee; £12 per person with a glass of prosecco! In the evening from 6pm from £10pp, classical cocktails, wines of beer and canapés will be available – with music from the 50s […]

HELP PLAN FOR THE FUTURE! How do you want the Gala Water valley to develop over the next few years? The Parish of Stow Community Council and Stow Community Trust are working together to develop a Community Action Plan, AND we need your help! Supported by Julie Nock and Pip Tabor of the Southern Upland […]

Pop-up dining at the Station House
POP-UP DINING EVENTS COMING SOON! There are some great food events coming up soon to Stow Station House – booking essential as these will sell-out fast! The first up in June will be… Greek Feast at Stow Station House Saturday 4th June, 7pm Email Mandy at hello@platterco.com to secure a booking! Enjoy a delicious Greek […]

SIGNIFICANT SCOTRAIL REDUCTION FROM MONDAY 23 MAY. The much-heralded half-hourly service from Stow will be cut significantly from Monday 23 as part of Scotrail’s emergency timetable, caused by a shortage of drivers. In particular, there will be only three trains departing Stow for Edinburgh before 0900 and only three departing Edinburgh for Tweedbank after 1800hrs. […]

Garden Group meeting
The Gala Water Horticultural Society is hosting another Garden group meeting on Thursday 19th May at Stow Station House. They will be holding a vote to decide whether we should hold a Flower and Produce show this year and looking towards future projects. All are welcome. The meeting starts at 7.30pm.

Archive Cafe Sessions return!
HISTORIC CAFE SESSIONS RETURN TO STOW! The Gala Water History & Heritage Association (GWHHA), often simply known as The Archives, are bringing back their hugely popular monthly cafe sessions in the Cloudhouse Cafe. From 10.30am, 7 June, these sessions will return on the first Tuesday of the month. Interested in the wonderful history of our […]

Queen’s Jubilee Afternoon Tea
To celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, there will be a free event in Fountainhall Village Hall, Saturday 4 June, from 2-5pm. Places are only avaiable on a first-come basis. Afternoon tea supplied by Lou’s Catering.

Stow rail service frequency to improve!
RAIL SERVICE IMPROVEMENTS. From 15 May, Scotrail is increasing the frequency of trains on the Borders Railway. For the first time since the railway was reopened, Stow is to benefit from a half-hourly service all day from 0730 until 1930 and then hourly again, bringing parity with all other stations on the line. This will […]

Community Cycle Trips
Stow Cycle Hub is holding another community cycle this weekend. On Sunday 15th of May the next Stow Community Cycle is going to Clovenfords, leaving the Cycle Hub at the Station House at 9:30. All are welcome to join with everyone cycling at their own pace. All types of bikes are welcome, too. There is […]

Stow Station House business opportunity
STOW COMMUNITY TRUST IS DELIGHTED TO OFFER THE STOW STATION HOUSE LEASE. This is a fantastic chance to run a stunning new venue in the beautiful Scottish Borders, helping to enhance a thriving, active community in the historic village of Stow. The award-winning restoration of the beautiful Station House is nearly complete. There will be […]
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