King’s Coronation Afternoon Tea
The Parish of Stow Community Council, supported by Scottish Borders Council, is pleased to annmounce that a celebratory afternoon tea will be served in Fountainhall Village Hall, Saturday 6 May from 2pm-5pm. All welcome.

Stow Bowling Club open day
Stow Bowling Club invites all to their open day today from 2pm. Pop by to find out how to join the club and stay for a drink and something from the free barbecue.

Friday Nights at the Station House
From Friday 14 April, Stow Station House will open weekly for a series of social events organised by Stow Community Trust. The bar opens at 6pm this Friday, so why not head along for a drink and a catch-up with friends?

Easter Ebikes for hire…
Ebikes are available for hire over the Easter Holiday from Stow Cycle Hub! Members rates £10 a day, £40 for a week. Pop into cycle hub Thurs, Fri, and Sat 10:00 -11:00 for more details.

A night of curry!
A fundraising dining event at Stow Station House is happening on Friday 21st April. A Night of Curry starts at 7pm and £25 includes a drink and buffet. All profits go to the Vine Trust expedition raising funds for those living in extreme poverty in Tanzania.

Energy Saving Advice Event
The Green Stow group has organised a free event with Home Energy Scotland, looking at reducing energy and giving advcie on reducing energy bills at home. All welcome, Sunday 16th 2.30-4.00pm, Stow Station House.

Stow Arts and Crafts Spring Craft Fair
Stow Arts and Crafts Spring Craft Fair will be held at Stow Station House on Saturday 13 May. More details to follow but pop the date in your diaries and calendars!

Stow and Fountainhall community newsletter is now out
The next issue of the Stow and Fountainhall community newsletter is now out and will be with you shortly. You can also access a digital copy here. Thanks to everyone who contributed and to the band of volunteers who work hard to bring this to the community.

Stow opens Station House as a warm space
Thanks to Scottish Borders Council, Stow Community Trust are opening up the Station House on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am-5pm starting tomorrow until the end of April. Please come along for a coffee, chat and heat or use the first class WiFi to work or study in our award winning Station House.

Gala Water Horticultural Society
Gala Water Horticultural Society – next meeting, Wednesday 22 March, 7.00pm, Fountainhall Village Hall.
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