Housing matters in Stow and Fountainhall!
Housing has been identified as a key concern in the Community Action Plan. As a result, Stow Community Trust have launched a local housing survey, developed with the help of South of Scotland Community Housing – SOSCH – and Scottish Borders Council. To take part, visit this link or submit a paper copy (available from […]

Royal Hotel site – your views are needed!
The Community Action Plan highlighted concerns about the Royal Hotel site in the centre of Stow. Stow Community Trust are collecting your opinions on what could go on to the site as part of a potential future development. Please let us know what you’d like to see happen on the empty plot. Feel free to […]

C’mon on Scotland!
There’s beer on tap and rugby on screen at the Station House! Grab yourself a seat and watch the big game, today! Vive l’Ecosse!

Quiz Night at the Bowling Club
Quiz Night at Stow Bowling Club, Saturday February 3rd, 7 for 7.30pm. Teams of four maximum, £10 per team. All are welcome!

AMBER weather warning
Good morning, Two Amber weather warnings for wind and rain are in place, including the Scottish Borders, from 1800 this evening (21 January) until 0900 on Tuesday (23 January), with yellow weather warnings for wind and rain remaining in place until Thursday. Please check the Met Office website for further details. ScotRail is indicating widespread […]

Fountainhall Burns-themed dinner
Burns themed menu at Fountainhall village hall, Saturday 27 January. All welcome – book a table to join, through Louise Steele. 2 courses £18 3 courses £22.50

Foodbank Fundraiser Quiz Night
Galashiels Foodbank does a great job in helping people through some difficult times…to support their efforts, Stow Community Trust are hosting a quiz night at Stow Station House, Saturday 27 February from 7.30pm. Grab a ticket to come and put some of your questionable knowledge to good use! £15 per team (maximum of four!).

Stow French Conversation Group
Parlez vous français? Even just a wee bit? A new Stow French Conversation Group is being started on Friday 27 January, 7pm in the Station House. This will be a social gathering, rather than a lesson so you do need to have a little French already – but you don’t need to be fluent. If […]

Free event: Poems for Burns Night
The Wedale Bookshop is delighted to announce their first event for 2024. Join award-winning poets Craig Aitchison and Taylor Strickland at Stow Station House for an evening of poetry to mark Burns Night. Tickets are free, but should be booked through Eventbrite. Please note, this is not a Burns Supper so have yer haggis before […]
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