Thanks to those who attended the public meeting in Stow on Thursday night last week when the SCT launched the Community Questionnaire. It was great to see how the questionnaire sparked enthusiastic conversations about the kind of activities and projects we could do to improve our community. Now it’s over to you if you live in the Parish of Stow Community Council Area, and every member of your household, to give us your thoughts and ideas!
As well as a copy arriving through your door over the next few days you can go online and share your views (our preferred method). If you complete the hard copy questionnaire, please return it to Stow Post Office or Fountainhall hall by 4 July. If you need more than one hard copy, you can collect extras from the same places.
You can fill the questionnaire in online here – to be completed by 4 July.
When you fill in the questionnaire online, you can return to it as many times as you like as the system will automatically save your answers on your device (smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop). Please note that it’s only one response per device.
We also need your help to encourage your friends and neighbours across the community to complete the questionnaire, so please nag on our behalf!
After the 4 July, we will crunch the numbers and review all the ideas. We will then come back to you and the community with the results and finesse the priorities over time to draw together a Community Action Plan. This Plan will determine Stow Community Trust’s activities to benefits us all.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas – they are important!