Gala Water Singers New Season 2018-19
The Community Choir of the Gala Water Valley opens the 2018-19 season with a ‘Come & Sing’ on 21 August 7-9pm – a free, open event for everyone to enjoy…. ...read more
Choir restart 16 January 18 – New Year, new leader
Santa brought us a New Year present! The community choir of the Gala Water Valley has a new Choir Leader, Julia Campbell, when we restart on Tuesday January 16, 7.15-9pm, Fountainhall School. A great time to join us. People singing together – experienced or not, skilled or not, improving together – is what we are […]
Community Broadband for Fountainhall area
Residents in the Fountainhall area can now access high speed broadband via a local community scheme. Are you interested? Heriot has a flourishing community broadband company that is now providing high speed broadband to the residents in Heriot. This is provided by micro wave links from masts we have built on various hills direct to […]
Choir Restarts Tuesday 5 September 2017
Join us a the Community Choir restarts at Fountainhall School, Tuesday 5 September 2017 7-9pm, after our summer break. We’re looking forward to working with Nancy Muir who is leading the choir until Christmas. If you fancy singing with others – whether you’ve knowledge of music or none, whether you’ve sung before or not – […]

Singing Workshop 22 August 7-9pm : Free!
Ellie Logan, an experienced choir leader, is coming to lead a one-off singing workshop – come and share the joy of singing with others!

Stow Community Trust – Station House Regeneration Project
An update on our efforts to convert the former station house into a community hub
A directory for older people in the Gala Water area has been launched by the Stow Lunch Club.
A directory for older people in the Gala Water area has been launched by the Stow Lunch Club. Members were keen to produce a directory that contained information about activities, services and organisations provided in the local community so that older people were aware of what was available. https://www.scotborders.gov.uk/news/article/1923/gala_water_directory_for_older_people_launched?platform=hootsuite

Online map for Stow
NEW Online guide to Stow – interactive guide to places of historical interest, walks and cycle routes ...read more
Now on Facebook!
You might have noticed that our posts on this page are a bit out of date. That’s not because we aren’t active but because we’ve found it so easy to put pictures and albums on Facebook and to keep it up to date. You’ll find there are several groups. One for anybody to see is […]
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