Election hustings tonight!
TONIGHT AT 7PM IN THE TOWN HALL STOW COMMUNITY TRUST AND COMMUNITY COUNCIL – JOINT HUSTINGS EVENT FOR COUNCIL ELECTIONS Join Stow Community Council and Community Trust and meet some of the candidates asking for your vote in next month’s local election. Please do come along to the meeting to listen to and add your […]

STOW COMMUNITY TRUST AND COMMUNITY COUNCIL – JOINT HUSTINGS EVENT FOR COUNCIL ELECTIONS MONDAY 25TH APRIL AT 7PM IN THE TOWN HALL Here’s your chance to meet candidates for the forthcoming Council #LocalElections2022 and ask the questions that matter to you!

Community Newsletter out now!
All homes in the community should now have received the latest copy of the community newsletter – also available here digitally! Another great read showing the vibrant place we call home! Stow&Fountainhall No.45 newsletter March 22

Parish of Stow Community Council next meeting – Monday 10 January
COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY 10 JANUARY PROPOSED WINDFARM UPDATE Representatives from the company planning the Greystone Knowe wind farm will be attending the online Parish of Stow Community Council meeting on Monday 10 January. As reported earlier by the Community Council, Greystone Knowe wind farm is a new wind farm proposed for the area. Display […]

An elephant crossed the valley
NEW VALLEY BOOK LAUNCHES! A new book by Mary W Craig telling the long, fascinating story of our valley, launches very soon with launch nights in Fountainhall, Heriot and Stow. All welcome, refreshments courtesy of the Parish of Stow Community Council which has funded the project. Come along and hear all about the history of […]

Station House tours today
STATION HOUSE TOURS today! The Stow Station House will be open today until 2.00pm for visits and again next weekend from 10.00-2.00 on both Saturday and Sunday. You are welcome to see the renovated building, including the future bar, dining area and snug. The Cycle Hub w ill also be open at these times, ready […]

Stow Station House Tours
STOW STATION HOUSE TOURS Stow Community Trust invites you to visit the beautifully-renovated Station House and have a look around! SCT Board members will be available to give you a tour on the following dates: Saturday 4th September – 10am – 2pm Sunday 5th September – 10am – 2pm Friday 10th September – 2 – […]

Wedale tweets!
WEDALE TWEETS! Twitter users can now follow a new account for the valley. For news from the Community Council and Community Trust, stories and information about Stow, Fountainhall and the Gala Water Valley, go to @StowOfWedale

Tour of Britain is coming to the valley!
TOUR OF BRITAIN COMING ON 11 SEPTEMBER – GET INVOLVED! You’ll know from the Tour de France how much fun communities get from being involved and welcoming the huge caravan of cars, vans and, of course, bikes as they sweep through by decorating their towns and villages – now is our chance! LET’S MAKE OUR […]

Railway cuts proposed by Scotrail
Train service cuts being proposed. ScotRail have launched a consultation on proposed service changes on the Edinburgh-Tweedbank line, which would be effective from the May 2022 timetable change next year. The proposals reduce the entire service on the Borders Railway to hourly outside of the morning and evening peak times and cut all through-services to […]
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