Keep Stow Beautiful!
Planters in Stow – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. The Parish of Stow Community Council is looking for some new people to help manage the planters in Stow and help keep the village looking smart. Anyone who can help or would like more information please get in touch with Jenny by emailing StowCommunityCouncil@gmail.com – thanks.

Cycling Tour of Britain coming to Heriot and Stow
The Tour of Britain will be returning to the Borders on Saturday September 11th. Arriving over hill in Heriot from Innerleithen, the race route joins the A7 and races through Stow towards Townfoot. The race then enters an endurance section, climbing the steep hill of Lauder Road, where the cyclists can earn ‘King of the […]

Temporary road closure: Heriot to Innerleithen
Heriot Community Council advises that the B709 Heriot to Innerleithen will be closed for 15 days, 9am to 5pm weekdays (open at weekends), from 28th July to 17th August. Start Date and Duration – • Wednesday 28th July to Friday 30th July 2021 – between the hours of 9:00 and 17:00 each day • Monday […]

The Little Book Shed has opened!
Another community asset created by volunteers has opened in Stow. The Little Book Shed is a place where anyone can come along and borrow a book to read in the Community Garden, where the Little Book Shed can be found, or in the park or at home and then either return it or replace it […]
Councillor John Mitchell: surgery
Councillor John Mitchell will be holding a surgery on 19th June 2015 from 5.30-6.30 pm at Gala Old House, Galashiels, if anyone wishes to raise any issues with him
Community Council
Community Council minutes are posted on the noticeboards and on the community website here. If you want to contact the Community Council, please contact Jenny Mushlin, CC Secretary on 01578 760297 Councillor John Mitchell is holding a surgery in Stow Town Hall on Friday 22nd May
Stow Community Trust – Spring update
The comment in the previous newsletter that a lease on the building might be negotiated by early spring turned out to be wide of the mark – in a new development, presumably because Network Rail no longer has any use for the building (at one time it was thought that a couple of rooms might […]
Potential loss of ‘Cultural’ Public Amenities
This is an advance warning! For those of us who use and enjoy some of the Cultural/Arts services that are supplied by the Council, SBC have approved a recommendation that some of its community services be transferred from direct Council provision, to delivery via a charitable trust….They are looking to make a budget saving of […]

Exciting visit from Brazil
We are very excited to welcome Nixiwaka Yawanawa from the Brazilian Amazon who will be visiting Stow Primary … ...read more
Update on Stow Park
Councillor Sandy Aitchison has held discussions with Council officials and it is apparent that there is no one solution that can improve the park and that a number of measures will have to be taken to get it back to its old glory. The first step is to look at drainage and investigations will be […]
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