Scottish Borders Council is looking to consult residents on the recent speed restrictions put in place in towns and villages across the region. This included the 20 mph speed restriction through the centre of Stow, speed monitors and 40 mph limits on the back roads. Please share your thoughts on the trial 20mph speed limit […]

The Little Book Shed has opened!
Another community asset created by volunteers has opened in Stow. The Little Book Shed is a place where anyone can come along and borrow a book to read in the Community Garden, where the Little Book Shed can be found, or in the park or at home and then either return it or replace it […]

Stow Station House update
The Stow Community Trust (SCT) held an online meeting on 31 March 2021 to showcase the progress at the Station House. Work is nearing completion and a great video by Angus Bradley of Goose Media allowed a glimpse both into the past and into the renovated building. The video can be viewed on the SCT […]

Stow Sessions at the Cloudhouse
1st Sunday of the month. Traditional music session at Cloudhouse Stow cafe from 3pm … ...read more
A directory for older people in the Gala Water area has been launched by the Stow Lunch Club.
A directory for older people in the Gala Water area has been launched by the Stow Lunch Club. Members were keen to produce a directory that contained information about activities, services and organisations provided in the local community so that older people were aware of what was available. https://www.scotborders.gov.uk/news/article/1923/gala_water_directory_for_older_people_launched?platform=hootsuite

Fountainhall Village Hall Quiz night
Come along at 7.30pm for our annual quiz night hosted by Jackie & Charlie … ...read more

Burns supper and Celeidh Child Refugee Crisis Appeal Fundraiser
Our Burns Supper and Ceilidh on 30 Jan at the Macfie Hall iin aid of Child Refugee Crisis Appeal raised an amazing £1800 … ...read more
Fountainhall Village hall
The keys for the village hall have now been handed over to the hall committee.
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