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Notes on the wind

Fountainhall Primary School Parent Council,  Stow Parish Archive;, Stow Pipe Band; and Wooplaw Community Woodland have been the latest groups to benefit from grants awarded by the Stow & Fountainhall Windfarm Community Benefit Fund. For more details visit Or telephone Head of Community Programmes, Rachel Searle-Mbullu 0141 341 4961. A scoping report for Girthgate […]

Stow School Update

At Stow school everyone has settled back into their new classes. We are pleased to welcome Mrs Fairbairn, Mr Hunter and Mrs Wilkinson who have joined our staff. We were all very sad to say goodbye to Miss Graham who has moved to Knowepark as Acting Deputy Head teacher. We look forward to welcoming Miss […]

Stow Pipe Band Update

You may have heard of the success of the Pipe Band at competitions over the last 2 seasons, World Champions in 2011 in Grade 4A and this year Scottish Champions in Grade 3B! This is mainly due to Stow Pipe Band joining forces with Hawick pipe band to form the Scottish Borders Pipe Band. The […]

Community Newsletter: Public Notice

Community Newsletter: Public Notice

For reasons of logistics, and owing to inflated petrol costs, we are looking to send out e-copies of the community newsletter to rural households in the more remote areas. more

Free-Lance Cataloguer wanted

Free-Lance Cataloguer wanted

Interested in local history? Free-lance cataloguer required for temporary post (100 hours) to digitise Stow Parish Archive catalogue. more

Autumn in Stow

Autumn in Stow

Autumn in Stow

Stow in the Distance

Stow in the Distance

Hello! I thought I’d advertise my silly wee blog. It’s called “Stow in the Distance”. I live in Stow doing little freelance writing jobs, and have found myself walking 8+ miles a day in the hills and back roads around the village. So last week I decided to start writing about it. Why not, eh? […]

Flower Show 2012 prize winners

Flower Show 2012 prize winners

Listed below are the cupwinners from Saturday’s GWHS Flower Show 2012 Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter and to all who came along in the afternoon. Prize Winner Murray & Burrell Cup Best Exhibit, Vegetable section Jim Mercer Malcolm Stirling Cup Best Collection of Potatoes Jim Mercer Williamson Cup and £5 Most […]

Winning Spuds

New Local Scottish Champion

Congratulations to Jim Mercer from Fountainhall on winning the Scottish Championship for his potatoes at the National Vegetable Society show at Kelso on Sunday. Can anyone beat his spuds at the Stow or Galashiels show??

Come and Sing! Gala Water Singers restart 28 Aug

Come and Sing! Gala Water Singers restart 28 Aug

The Gala Water valley based community choir, Gala Water Singers restarts on Tuesday 28th August 2012, 7.30-9 pm at Fountainhall Primary School. New members welcome. No auditions and no need to read music. Not sure if it’s for you? Try it out – first 2 weeks free, then 3 payments over the year. Further info […]


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