Community council and Scottish Borders Councillors

Community Council – get involved!
In general, the Parish of Stow Community Council is composed of twelve elected members, ten representing Stow and two representing Fountainhall.

The current members are:

  • Charlotte Hendry (co-chair)
  • Jenny Mushlin (secretary) Tel 01578 760297
  • Alan McNeilly (treasurer)
  • Jacki Cooper
  • Helen Corcoran
  • Amanda Jones
  • Niome Lucjan
  • Thomas Miller
  • David Montgomerie
  • Graham Nisbet

If you would like to get involved with the work of the Community Council, or have an issue or concern you would like to raise, please get in touch.

Community Council meetings are usually held on the first Monday of every month.   Two meetings per year are usually held in Fountainhall Village Hall with the remaining ten meetings being held in Stow Town Hall or online since the Covid-19 outbreak began.   All meetings commence at 7.30pm and everyone is welcome to attend. If you wish to attend an online meeting, please contact the Community Council in advance to arrange access.

Although council meetings are open to the public, the public may not contribute to the discussions unless they are specifically asked to do so by the Chair.    However, it is customary for the public who have attended a meeting to be asked if they have any points they wish to air with the committee.

The Community Council is non-party political and carries out a number of important functions within the Parish.  The main functions are:

  1. To express the views of the community to the local authority and other public authorities.
  2. To inform the community of information received from the local authority and other public bodies

Over the years, the Community Council have been involved in many important issues which have had a direct influence on our community.   None more so than the proposed reintroduction of the Waverley Railway Line.   In the original proposals there was to be no station at Stow.  However, the Scottish Parliament was persuaded by the Community Council along with the action group that a station at Stow was essential.

Planning applications – The Community Council is consulted on most planning applications within the Parish giving a good opportunity for members to express the thoughts of the community on what can sometimes be a very emotive subject.  Scottish Borders Council now operates a service within their own website which gives public access to all planning applications.

You can contact the Community Council directly by emailing

On a monthly basis, the Community Council registers many issues of concern with the local authority.  We are ably assisted in our tasks by our local elected Scottish Borders Council councillors whose ex officio membership of the Community Council allows them to advise often on important issues.  They are a great help and support.

Our local Scottish Borders Council councillors are:

Councillor Euan Jardine

Ward: Galashiels and District Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

Euan Jardine

Contact Details


Councillor Neil Mackinnon

Ward: Galashiels and District Party: Scottish Green Party

Neil Mackinnon

Contact Details

Councillor Fay Sinclair

Ward: Galashiels and District Party: Scottish National Party

Contact Details

Councillor Hannah Steel

Ward: Galashiels and District Party: Scottish Liberal Democrats

Contact Details

5 Responses

  1. Claus Cartellieri
    Claus Cartellieri November 13, 2012 at 4:21 pm | | Reply

    I once heard it said that Flora Macdonald had been buried at Stow cemetery before being taken to her final resting place.
    Could you please let me know whether there is any truth in that statement?

    Thank you very much.


    Claus Cartellieri
    Lindenstrasse 16
    19399 Dobbertin/Germany

  2. james white
    james white December 12, 2012 at 12:47 am | | Reply

    i wonder if anyone in the stow community has any information on a

    thomas darling, born about 1802 and killed by a train in 1868 [run down by express train from edinburgh] about 11am under bridge in stow [buried at stow]

    this is an ancestor of mine,,, his father was a david darling,[no dates as yet]
    ,and one of his daughters a jane darling born 1832 westruther died feb 26th 1909 galashiels

    i would be most interested to know how this happened, thank you.

  3. Liz Taylor
    Liz Taylor January 24, 2017 at 10:21 am | | Reply

    My Grandmother was born at Cookston Forth Mains in January 1878. Do you know if this place still exists. It was a Farm I think—my Great Grandfather was a ploughman.
    I thought I would make a trip on the train to have a look.
    Liz Taylor

  4. Maureen Franks
    Maureen Franks June 4, 2020 at 4:23 pm | | Reply

    I am in the process of studying for a Masters Degree in Environmental Management. My current assignment is about ‘good development management’ and I am writing about wind farms in the Borders.
    Do you have any information you can share about the wind farms near and around Stow please?
    Thank you and best wishes

    1. stuart
      stuart June 4, 2020 at 4:35 pm | | Reply

      Hi Maureen,
      The best people to write to are Gareth Shields at the Toddleburn Wind farm and Malcom Jack at Foundation Scotland
      I am on the Local Wind Farm Committee if I can be of any help

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