GWHA 20th Anniversary Flower Show Prizewinners

The Galawater Horticulture Society held their 20th Anniversary Flower Show on September 6th.

Congratulations to all of the prize winners and thanks to all of those who submitted entries to the show and to those who helped to organise the event.

Main Prizewinners were; Jim Mercer, Victor Crawford, Christine Davidson, Nettie Simm, Carol Kellet, Pat Weir, Margaret Robertson, Leah Rochester, Iain Houston and James Steele. All exhibitors automatically become a member of the Society and it needs their active support to help organise events throughout the year.

The AGM will be held on Wednesday October 22nd at 7.30pm at Stow Town Hall. We would very much welcome the attendance of new members. We look forward to seeing you! Debbie Crawford / Jacki Cooper ( Joint Chair GWHS)

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