COMMUNITY CONSULTATION FOLLOW UP! Thanks to everyone who came along to the recent Community Consultation result sessions to share further ideas. The Stow Community Trust has been compiling more analysis of the results and are keen to share that with you too through a further couple of meetings – all are very welcome. The meetings […]

Community Survey – your chance to take part
COMMUNITY QUESTIONNAIRE – NEXT STAGES A great number of folk have taken the time to complete the Community Questionnaire. This has given a huge amount of information and ideas for the Community Action Plan. The next stage is to share the outputs with you and get your thoughts on what you think our priorities should […]

Focus on You: Coping with the Ever-increasing Cost of Living Do you need advice on coping with the ever-increasing cost of living? Then pop along to the Focus Centre, Galashiels on Tuesday 6th September from 10am-5pm to hear from various organisations. There will be representatives from a range of organisations, including Eildon Housing, SBHA HomeChoice, […]

Green Stow meet
GREEN STOW – the informal group which is concerned with the on-going climate emergency and with wider environmental issues – will be holding an informal meeting at The Cloudhouse Cafe on Sunday 7 August at 1.00pm. The group would like to look at posible activities for Stow and Fountainhall for The Great Big Green Week […]

Foodbank and cooking courses
The Galashiels Foodbank is here to help people who are having problems with affording food in Galashiels and District. Please feel free to contact us on galashielsfoodbank@gmail.com if you are at risk of running out of food. As well as food we are sometimes asked for toiletries. Donations of shampoo, shower gel, deodorants are welcome […]

Lauder Common public meeting
LAUDER COMMON, PLANTATION CONCERNS: PUBLIC MEETING THURSDAY 23 JUNE – Lauder Leisure Centre, 7.00pm. An open public meeting has been arranged to discuss concerns about the impact on wildlife and the environment on the Lauder Common which may be caused by a propsed large commercial Sitka Spruce plantation at Whitlaw. All welcome. See FB for […]

SHAPING OUR FUTURE! Thanks to those who attended the public meeting in Stow on Thursday night last week when the SCT launched the Community Questionnaire. It was great to see how the questionnaire sparked enthusiastic conversations about the kind of activities and projects we could do to improve our community. Now it’s over to you […]

Help plan for the future!
REMINDER: HELP PLAN FOR THE FUTURE! How do you want the Gala Water valley to develop over the next few years? The Parish of Stow Community Council and Stow Community Trust are working together to develop a Community Action Plan, AND we need your help! Supported by Julie Nock and Pip Tabor of the Southern […]

Food donations needed
THE FOODBANK NEEDS HELP. There is a continuing need for Foodbank assistance within our community. Every week the Galashiels Foodbank distributes 100-120 bags of food in the Galashiels & District area. Donations of food can be made through local churches or at local supermarkets, while money donations can also be made through the Foodbank’s website.

HELP PLAN FOR THE FUTURE! How do you want the Gala Water valley to develop over the next few years? The Parish of Stow Community Council and Stow Community Trust are working together to develop a Community Action Plan, AND we need your help! Supported by Julie Nock and Pip Tabor of the Southern Upland […]
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