What’s the future for Stow Town Hall – Community Conversation
The Stow Community Action Plan confirmed that Stow Town Hall is a much-loved and valued community asset but what does the future hold for this building? How would you like to see the building used? What changes can be made for the better? Join the conversation on Wednesday 17 April, 7-9pm at the Town Hall.

Galashiels Heartland public vote 2024
The first Galashiels Heartland Awards took place last yearand were hugely successful. As a result, they are being held again in 2024 and you can get involved! The awards showcase and celebrate the very best of Galashiels and district businesses and organisations, as voted for by you! Voting is quick and simple – go to […]

Housing matters in Stow and Fountainhall!
Housing has been identified as a key concern in the Community Action Plan. As a result, Stow Community Trust have launched a local housing survey, developed with the help of South of Scotland Community Housing – SOSCH – and Scottish Borders Council. To take part, visit this link or submit a paper copy (available from […]

Royal Hotel site – your views are needed!
The Community Action Plan highlighted concerns about the Royal Hotel site in the centre of Stow. Stow Community Trust are collecting your opinions on what could go on to the site as part of a potential future development. Please let us know what you’d like to see happen on the empty plot. Feel free to […]

Join the Community Council
COMMUNITY COUNCIL ELECTIONS The Parish of Stow Community Council Election is here! If you would like to help the community and have positive ideas for the future, please stand for the Community Council – places are available for Stow and Fountainhall. The closing date for nominations is 3rd October. You can pick up the forms […]

Your Community Council Needs You!
Nominations are open for the #Stow and #Fountainhall Community Council election. Local residents have until 4pm on Tuesday 3 October to put their name forward to become a community councillor. Find out how you could get involved here. You can download the nommination forms online or pick up a copy at Stow Post Office. Get […]

Stow and Fountainhall community newsletter is now out
The next issue of the Stow and Fountainhall community newsletter is now out and will be with you shortly. You can also access a digital copy here. Thanks to everyone who contributed and to the band of volunteers who work hard to bring this to the community.

STOW CYCLE HUB bike maintenance sessions
STOW CYCLE HUB has spaces available on tomorrow’s bike maintenance sessions at the Cycle Hub, from 1000am until 1200 noon Saturday 11 February. Check Facebook for more details, or pop by the HUb at Stow Station.

New Community Calendar
FINDING OUT ABOUT EVENTS IN OUR COMMUNITY The recent Community Survey highlighted that people would appreciate a single place to go to, where you can find out about what’s happening across our community so Stow Community Trust has created an on-line calendar to let you see what’s going on! If you are a group leader […]

COMMUNITY CONSULTATION FOLLOW UP! Thanks to everyone who came along to the recent Community Consultation result sessions to share further ideas. The Stow Community Trust has been compiling more analysis of the results and are keen to share that with you too through a further couple of meetings – all are very welcome. The meetings […]
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