Happy New Year
Happy New Year from the Parish of Stow Community Council! The first meeting of the year takes place on Monday 8 January, 7.30pm at Stow Station House. The public are very welcome to attend and observe. (Image of Stow Hogmanay bonfire and fireworks – organised by Stow Sports Commmittee)

Join the Community Council
COMMUNITY COUNCIL ELECTIONS The Parish of Stow Community Council Election is here! If you would like to help the community and have positive ideas for the future, please stand for the Community Council – places are available for Stow and Fountainhall. The closing date for nominations is 3rd October. You can pick up the forms […]

Your Community Council Needs You!
Nominations are open for the #Stow and #Fountainhall Community Council election. Local residents have until 4pm on Tuesday 3 October to put their name forward to become a community councillor. Find out how you could get involved here. You can download the nommination forms online or pick up a copy at Stow Post Office. Get […]

Community Council meeting
The next meeting of the Parish of Stow Community Council will be on Monday 1 May at 7.30, Stow Station House. The public are welcome to observe the meeting.

Stow opens Station House as a warm space
Thanks to Scottish Borders Council, Stow Community Trust are opening up the Station House on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am-5pm starting tomorrow until the end of April. Please come along for a coffee, chat and heat or use the first class WiFi to work or study in our award winning Station House.

Community Council meeting
The first Parish of Stow Community Council meeting of 2023 will be at 7.30 at Stow Station House on Monday 9th January. These meetings are public and all are welcome.

Community Action Plan – next steps
COMMUNITY QUESTIONNAIRE – NEXT STAGES Stow Community Trust and Community Council have said they have been delighted by the number of valley folk who have taken the time to complete the recent Community Questionnaire. The details gathered have given a huge amount of information and ideas for the forthcoming Community Action Plan. The next stage […]

SHAPING OUR FUTURE! Thanks to those who attended the public meeting in Stow on Thursday night last week when the SCT launched the Community Questionnaire. It was great to see how the questionnaire sparked enthusiastic conversations about the kind of activities and projects we could do to improve our community. Now it’s over to you […]

Help plan for the future!
REMINDER: HELP PLAN FOR THE FUTURE! How do you want the Gala Water valley to develop over the next few years? The Parish of Stow Community Council and Stow Community Trust are working together to develop a Community Action Plan, AND we need your help! Supported by Julie Nock and Pip Tabor of the Southern […]

HELP PLAN FOR THE FUTURE! How do you want the Gala Water valley to develop over the next few years? The Parish of Stow Community Council and Stow Community Trust are working together to develop a Community Action Plan, AND we need your help! Supported by Julie Nock and Pip Tabor of the Southern Upland […]
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