Stow Station House business opportunity
STOW COMMUNITY TRUST IS DELIGHTED TO OFFER THE STOW STATION HOUSE LEASE. This is a fantastic chance to run a stunning new venue in the beautiful Scottish Borders, helping to enhance a thriving, active community in the historic village of Stow. The award-winning restoration of the beautiful Station House is nearly complete. There will be […]

Election hustings tonight!
TONIGHT AT 7PM IN THE TOWN HALL STOW COMMUNITY TRUST AND COMMUNITY COUNCIL – JOINT HUSTINGS EVENT FOR COUNCIL ELECTIONS Join Stow Community Council and Community Trust and meet some of the candidates asking for your vote in next month’s local election. Please do come along to the meeting to listen to and add your […]

Community Shed next meeting
COMMUNITY SHED – NEXT STEPS After a positive first meeting to talk about the possibility of a Community Shed in Stow it seems that a number of folk are keen to take it forward. Ross Hall who co-ordinates Sheds across the Borders was at our recent meeting and gave us some really helpful information on […]

VACANCY: Cycle Hub Manager Required
VACANCY: Cycle Hub Manager Required We are a community-led project that is based at the new Station House in Stow, Scottish Borders. We aim to promote cycling for everyday travel activities and encourage everyone to experience the joys of cycling. We are recruiting a Cycle Hub Manager to develop and manage the Cycle Hub. Informal […]

Men’s Shed meeting
INTERESTED IN HELPING TO SET UP AND GET INVOLVED IN A COMMUNITY SHED? Community Sheds – many of which have been sarted up as “Men’s Sheds” are really popular across the world, bringing people together to learn, develop and share skills and to get involved in local practical projects and enjoy each other’s company. Come […]

Stow Community Trust AGM – get involved!
STOW COMMUNITY TRUST – GET INVOLVED! We’ll be holding our virtual AGM on Thursday 3rd February at 7pm for Trust members. If you’d like to become a member of SCT and join our AGM, please contact eibhlinmchugh@msn.com. For further information about SCT please look at their website.

Supper at the award-winning Station House!
EVENT CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 GUIDANCE SUPPER AT THE STATION HOUSE – 18 DECEMBER 2021 Come along to a pre-Christmas pop up evening at the Stow Station House on Saturday 18 December from 7-11pm (last orders 10.30pm). Booking essential! Numbers are limited due to Covid so get in fast! Stow Community Trust has picked up […]

Cycle Hub looks for volunteers
CYCLE HUB LOOKS FOR VOLUNTEERS! Calling all bike maintenance enthusiasts…! Stephen Riddell, Bike Mechanic, will be holding a training session at the Station House bike hub (tomorrow) Sunday 14th November for people who may like to volunteer as part of the Cycle Hub team to repair bikes and keep our wheels spinning. This will be […]

EVENT TODAY – STOW COP26 – LOCAL TO GLOBAL – Saturday 13 October. Stow Station House is looking fabulous for today’s Local to Global event. There are lots of stalls, activities, clothes and toy swaps lined up and maybe some of our star Disrupters from Stow Primary School! Come along between 12-4pm, you’ll be very […]

STOW COP26 – LOCAL TO GLOBAL – BE PART OF THE MOVEMENT! The award-winning Stow Disrupters from Stow Primary School, volunteers from Green Stow and Stow Community Trust have arranged a weekend of events to mark the end of COP 26 and to set our intention for our journey to tackle climate change across our community! […]
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