Community cycle and Christmas Fayre – 6 November
The Stow Cycle Hub community cycle on Sunday 6 November will have an early festive twist! Join the group at Stow Station for a departure at 0930, cycling to Heriot for coffee and a visit to the Christmas Fayre at Macfie Hall. (Please note this is not a lead ride, it is a informal community […]

SUNDAY 9 OCTOBER: Community bike ride from Stow – Walkerburn with a stop at Caberston Coffee Shop. Ebikes for hire should be booked in advanced – contact the Stow Cycle Hub or pop in! Child seats, trailer & tag along available this week. These can be used with your own bike if you fancy! (Please […]

Community cycle ride, Sunday 7 August
STOW CYCLE HUB: Why not join our community ride this Sunday, August 7th, from Stow to Heriot with a coffee stop at the Macfie Hall community cafe. Remember, ebikes must be booked in advanced (be quick, not many left!) or why not join us on your own bike? We have child seats / child trailer […]

Family Cycle Rides
STOW CYCLE HUB family rides. Come along and cycle with our experienced volunteers & build your confidence riding with your wee ones. Meet at Stow Cycle Hub, Station House, from 10am on Thursday 28 July, 4 and 11 August. The ride is free, but adults / 14 + can hire an ebike from the Cycle […]

Community social walks
Following the recent success of the Stow Cycle Hub’s popular community cycles, new social walks are being run over the next few months which everyone can join. Although these are informal walks and not led by volunteers, they are a perfect way to meet other walkers and discover some of the great walking routes around […]

Stow Cycle Hub rides again!
Join our community ride this Sunday from Stow / Fountainhall along AULD LICHT RAILWAY with a coffee at Lauder Community Centre afterwards – ebikes must be booked in advanced (£6 for members £15 for non members. Membership costs £30 a year with first ride included in that price). You can join the ride for free […]

COMMUNITY CYCLE HUB RIDES AGAIN! This Sunday, 5 June, join our friendly weekly community ride. Meet at the Stow Cycle Hub at the Station House from 9am, departing 0930. This week we ride to the Community Cafe at Macfie Hall, Heriot. EBikes or pure pedal power (there is normally a mix) welcome! If you’d like […]

Community Cycle Trips
Stow Cycle Hub is holding another community cycle this weekend. On Sunday 15th of May the next Stow Community Cycle is going to Clovenfords, leaving the Cycle Hub at the Station House at 9:30. All are welcome to join with everyone cycling at their own pace. All types of bikes are welcome, too. There is […]

STOW CYCLE HUB OPENING ON SATURDAYS From 15 January the Stow Cycle Hub at the Station House will open 10.00-16.00 on Saturdays. Seek advice, get bikes repaired and enjoy a chat about cycling in the heart of the village! Donations for repair, unwanted bikes and equipment very welcome.
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