A talk by Nixiwaka Yawanawa from Survival International
Stow Primary School are hosting a talk by an Indian from the Brazilian Amazon. He will be discussing life in the Amazon and current dangers threatening his tribe. The wider community are very welcome to attend this event on Friday 23rd May at 11.00am at the School.
Potential loss of ‘Cultural’ Public Amenities
This is an advance warning! For those of us who use and enjoy some of the Cultural/Arts services that are supplied by the Council, SBC have approved a recommendation that some of its community services be transferred from direct Council provision, to delivery via a charitable trust….They are looking to make a budget saving of […]
If anyone has any complaints or questions regarding any aspect of the railway works, including complaints about individual vehicles, the number to call is 0845 604 4146. Or email info@bordersrailway.co.uk. This number and this email were given to the CC by Craig Bowman, the Network Rail liaison officer for the project.
Change of community officer
Our local community officer is no longer John Lennon. He has been replaced by Anne McNair, whose email address is Anne.McNair@scotland.pnn.police.uk.

Exciting visit from Brazil
We are very excited to welcome Nixiwaka Yawanawa from the Brazilian Amazon who will be visiting Stow Primary … ...read more

Safer driving
SBC are backing a scheme to provide FREE advanced driver training for 17-25 yr olds in the Borders, through the Institute of Advanced Motorists’ (IAM) Skill for Life programme. As well as improving skills, the Skill for Life programme also provides potential reduction in car insurance, and 12 months’ free RAC roadside & recovery assistance. […]
New Opening Hours for Police Station Counters
Police ‘J’ Division (Lothian & Borders): Local stations’ opening hours change from 3rd March 2014:- For non urgent matters dial 101. Manned stations & new hours: Dalkeith 7am to midnight 7 days a week Duns 9 am to 5 pm Mon- Fri GALASHIELS 8am- 6pm 7 days a week Hawick 7am to midnight 7 days […]
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