Stow Youth Club needs YOU!
The Youth Club has taken a break to build up some strength in numbers. We are looking for more Committee members to help us run the club. We are also looking for a new Youth worker. We are hoping to continue to run the club for Primary 4s and older. Please contact Ulrika on 07714994311 […]
Community Projects Autumn 2014
The Old Kirk Work on stabilising the fabric of the Old Kirk is nearing completion. Throughout the building, limestone mortar has been used to ensure that water does not collect within the walls allowing irreparable damage by frost. The louvres in the bell tower have been replaced by the Stow-based company, Miller & Sons. Previously, […]
Stow AFC News, October 2014
Sadly the park surface is in need of further remedial work in order to bring it up to a suitable safe standard. The pitch has been fenced off to stop the ever increasing rabbit population from undoing the repair work. On the plus side it has eliminated the dog fouling problem and allows a bit […]
Fountainhall village hall Autumn update
Fountainhall village hall is silently moving forward. The building warrant is at the council. The tender document is being drawn together for the building works.

HMS Queen Elizabeth – Made in Stow
As some of you may know, a new Royal Navy aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, is being assembled in Rosyth Dockyard. In February of this year the Royal Navy commissioned the Airfix model company to produce a one-off model ship to be ready for the naming of the ship by Her Majesty the Queen on […]
HMS Queen Elizabeth Model – made in Stow
The Airfix company was asked by the Royal Navy to make a one-off 1/350 scale model of the new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth now being built in Rosyth Dockyard. Airfix asked me to make the model which had to be ready for when HM the Queen named the ship on 4th July. It was […]
Potential loss of ‘Cultural’ Public Amenities
This is an advance warning! For those of us who use and enjoy some of the Cultural/Arts services that are supplied by the Council, SBC have approved a recommendation that some of its community services be transferred from direct Council provision, to delivery via a charitable trust….They are looking to make a budget saving of […]
If anyone has any complaints or questions regarding any aspect of the railway works, including complaints about individual vehicles, the number to call is 0845 604 4146. Or email This number and this email were given to the CC by Craig Bowman, the Network Rail liaison officer for the project.

Exciting visit from Brazil
We are very excited to welcome Nixiwaka Yawanawa from the Brazilian Amazon who will be visiting Stow Primary … more
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