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Stow Parish Archive

Mary  Craig,  our  Community  Archivist,  works  in  the  archive  in  the Reading  Room  in  the  Town  Hall  on  Tuesdays  and  Thursdays.  Mary is focusing on outreach activities and just before Christmas we had a very  successful  session  in  Fountainhall.  We  have  several  interesting projects on the go, one of which involves recording the impact of […]

Stow Toddler & Music group

Stow Baby and Toddler Group enjoyed a fun filled 2014 and it has been lovely to welcome some new faces to the group over the last few months. Our Halloween and Christmas parties were a great success and we look forward to more events this year. The weekly fee per family remains at only £1 […]

Galawater Camera Club

The Camera Club was delighted with the success of its first exhibition in the Cloudhouse, Stow – many thanks to the Cloudhouse for helping us hold this event, which will remain on show until the end of January. As  the  Club  develops  and  ideas  are  forming  for  future  events  the members have decided that it […]

Fountainhall primary school

We celebrated St Andrew’s Day in our usual style last term, with P1-6 joining together with Heriot for a day of Scottish themed activities. The day was finished off with an assembly for family and friends to allow children to share their learning and perform Scottish songs, dances, poems and music. The ELCC (Nursery) children […]

Stow A.F.C. – Club Update

At the time of writing the Club currently sit second in the league with 8 league fixtures to play and also remain in the South, Beveridge and Waddell Cup competitions. The clubroom alterations are almost complete with only some snagging issues to deal with. We hope to return to Stow Park in February providing the […]

Scottish Borders Alert(

This is an alert system that will advise people about various different matters such as weather, missing people, thefts and other information that is relevant to the area you live in. You can sign up online at the web address above. The alerts come from authorised sources such as, police, neighbourhood watch, community groups. They […]

Stow Park

When a child aged 8 says ‘The park is rubbish because everything is for babies’ it is perhaps time to re-evaluate what facilities exist. With only two swings for children of primary and secondary age there is certainly a dearth of play park equipment in Stow for the older child. SBC do not have any […]

Stow Station

As some of you are probably aware, the Stow Community Trust has been actively pursuing the possibility of taking over the station building and putting it to some use which would complement both the village and  the  railway  once  the  latter  opens  next  September.  In  fact  it’s almost two years since we first made contact […]


The Kids Club runs between 12.15 and 6.15 on a Friday, so any parents  wishing  to  have  an  afternoon  shopping  /  relaxing  /  doing housework, whatever they want, are welcome to bring their children along  to  the  club.  We  cater  for  ages  4  –  12  and  will  be  issuing  our schedule in the next few […]

Windfarm Awards and Application Deadlines 2015

Tom  Black  from  Foundation  Scotland  0131  524  0331  reports  that the current Windfarm Community Benefit Fund Panel is working well with  clear  decision  making  processes  and  good  governance  (e.g. declarations of interest). There was a space on the Panel up for renewal last year but no nominations were forthcoming. The Panel want to start staggered […]


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